Pet Odours and Debris: How to clean your pet friendly home

two dogs sitting on couch.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Consistent vacuuming, at least once a week, is essential to keep your home free of dander and pet hair.
  • Wiping down surfaces like countertops and tables that your pets often touch is a great way to ensure the health of both you and them.
  • An air purifier can help freshen up the air quality quickly and easily and remove odours from the air.
  • Cleaning up after your pets immediately helps avoid stains and permanent smells.
  • Grooming your pets regularly reduces the amount of fur they leave behind, and taking them to the vet for regular checkups is an important step in keeping them healthy and happy.


Are you a pet owner with a constant cleaning battle against pet hair, odours and general debris? If you’re looking for some tips on how to keep your home clean and fresh despite your furry (or not so furry) friends, then read on!

Vacuum regularly – at least once a week – to reduce pet hair and dander

Whether you are a pet parent or not, consistent vacuuming is essential if you want to keep your home free of dander and pet hair. We don’t need to tell you that having less hair on your clothes, furniture, and floors will make life just a bit easier!

Vacuuming at least once a week is a great way to put consistent effort into keeping things clean – without needing too much time commitment. So don’t be tempted by shortcuts – consistent vacuuming will save you time in the long run!

Make sure to invest in a vacuum cleaner that is efficient but does the job well. Try to avoid buying cheap models that might eventually break down in the near future. When you’re purchasing a vacuum cleaner, think long term: it should be something that will last for many years to come.

Wipe down surfaces that your pets often touch, such as countertops and tables

Keep your surfaces clean and bacteria-free while keeping your furry friends happy! Wiping down surfaces like countertops and tables that your pets often touch is a great way to ensure the health of both you and them.

With a simple swipe of a cloth, you can routinely get rid of any fur or dirt that may be carried in from your pet’s walks. Moreover, it gives your pet an extra spa treatment – an impromptu cleanup session where they won’t have to lift a paw themselves! So, save yourself from gross bacteria and let your pal benefit from a quick rub down every now and then.

Use an air purifier to remove odours from the air

Nothing ruins a cozy night in like odd odours lingering in the air. Whether it’s fish you cooked last night or that “wet dog smell” from your furry friend, scents can interfere with your plans to relax and unwind.

Luckily, an air purifier can help freshen up the air quality quickly and easily. Not only do they help remove airborne bacteria and particles, but they also work wonders against odours – making sure your living space remains odour-free no matter what happened earlier that day. So, if you’re looking for a way to give your home a breath of fresh air, try getting yourself an air purifier; it just might be the trick you needed to get rid of that stubborn smell in no time!

Clean up after your pets immediately

Cleaning up after your pets should be a no-brainer, but let’s face it, when we get home from work, the last thing we want to do is march them back outside or throw away their food and water dishes.

Make a conscious effort to keep your pet dishes clean on a regular basis. If you have a habit of letting it be, you’re more likely to encourage unwanted critters into your home. Avoid constant clean ups by leaving enough food for your dog or cat to eat. Don’t overfeed as you might be wasting pet food in the long run as well.

And if your pet has an accident in the home – they might be toilet training, unwell, or even misbehaving – whatever the reason, it’s important to clean up as soon as possible to avoid stains and permanent smells. There’s also lots of great pet cleaning products that can help to remove any unpleasant smells, so make sure you’ve always got them on hand.

Groom your pets regularly to reduce shedding

You know that feeling when you come home after a long day to find your favourite piece of furniture or shirt covered in those pesky pet hairs? You may be thinking there’s no escape from the hair-itage left behind by our fluffy friends, but don’t lose hope!

Grooming your pets regularly won’t just make them look dapper – it’ll also drastically reduce the amount of fur they leave behind. It’s a win-win solution: keeping them looking and feeling good while lowering your stress levels in the process. So give them (and yourself) a treat, and start grooming more often!

Carpet Cleaning Tips and Maintenance

Keep them healthy by taking them to the vet for check-ups and vaccinations

Taking your pet to the vet for regular checkups is an important step in keeping them healthy and happy. Not only can the vet give your pet a once over to make sure everything’s running smoothly, but they can also provide necessary vaccinations that help keep them protected against any diseases or illnesses they might encounter. Sometimes an odd odour or heavy shedding could be a sign of sickness or malnutrition – it’s best to have these check out by a vet.

Whether you’ve got a pup or a kitten, it’s never too early to start bringing them in for routine checkups – your furry friend will love the attention, and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing their health is being taken care of!

Contact Pristine Home Today

All of these small actions can go a long way to keep your home looking and feeling its best when it comes to managing pet dander, fur, and odours. It certainly doesn’t have to be a struggle and it definitely doesn’t have to take up too much of your valuable time—especially now that you’ve got some handy tips on how to tackle the situation head-on.

Plus, if the task is still feeling a bit too daunting, don’t forget: you can always call in the pros. Contact Pristine Home for professional home cleaning services and they will take this chore off your plate while guaranteeing a thorough job. So go ahead and enjoy life with your furry companions without sacrificing the comfort of your living space!


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