If you have a cleaner, and feel guilty about enlisting their help, you are not alone. While there is nothing wrong with employing professional cleaners for your home, many people question their decision to use a maid service thinking that they can manage their homes and keep it looking perpetually clean on their own, without needing to shell out a few dollars for every cleaning visit.
But let’s face it: life is stressful, and it’s difficult to do everything from maintaining a tidy home to attending to your kids’ needs.. While we all like to think we are super mums, even the best mums can do with a helping hand from time to time. Don’t think that you wasting money or slacking off just because you are allowing the professionals to deal with the more challenging cleaning tasks at home.
If you are a stay-at-home mum struggling to keep up with the amount of household duties to accomplish every day, we’d like to share some reasons why you should not feel bad for seeking outside help for your home:
You can give undivided attention to your kids
Kids need positive attention, which means you should respond to what they are doing with warmth and genuine interest. Many stay-at-home mums, however, find themselves unable to give their children undivided attention because of the long list of chores staring them in the face.
Of course, you want to create a safe and clean environment for your kids, but the only way to achieve this is by taking on all chores by yourself, or hiring someone else to help you. By now, you have probably already experienced trying to get things done around the house, and being interrupted by the needs of your little ones.
Going back and forth cleaning the house and attending to your kids will ultimately lead to you feeling exhausted and frustrated. With a regular cleaning visit, you get to solve this problem and focus on being a hands-on mum.

Everyone does it
We often wonder how other people manage to keep their homes looking refreshed while running a business or raising kids. A lot of people get by with a little help from cleaners they hire on a weekly or monthly basis. Not absolutely everyone uses a cleaning service, but you might be surprised at how many people actually outsource the cleaning of their homes. Nowadays, employing a cleaner is not only reserved for the rich. It’s for anyone who wants to step into a dirt-free abode without dedicating a huge chunk of their time scrubbing the tiles and vacuuming the floors.
More time for yourself
A few minutes of “me” time can make a world of difference to your health and productivity. It’s hard to take care of another human being if you don’t invest in your own well-being. This is why it is important to set aside a few minutes of your day to simply relax and recharge to ensure that you are in great physical and mental health.
Putting your personal time higher on your priority list will benefit not just you, but also your children. Remember that kids learn by what they see, so if you show them that you take the time to eat healthy meals instead of ordering fast food, and leave space for your personal interests, they are more likely to realize that self-care is necessary, rather than optional.
Cleaning is no easy task
Sure, you can do a good job at mopping the floors, and polishing the bathroom mirrors, but what about cleaning grout and tiles or getting rid of mold? Professional cleaners know whether to bleach a surface or not, and which products are best for treating the walls and the windows.
Cleaning hard to reach areas, and eradicating mold in the house are best left to people who have the necessary training to clean thoroughly without causing damage to any part of your home. Trained cleaners dedicate their time to the finer details of home cleaning, so you can avoid any risk of damage to your property.

Create a safe environment for your family
Having kids at home makes it all the more important to maintain a dirt-free space. Kids, especially infants, are susceptible to certain kinds of illness and infections because of their underdeveloped immune system cells. Therefore a house that is sanitary and clean is imperative to ensure that you create a safe and non-hazardous environment for your children.
A cleaning service will not only allow you to enjoy the comforts of a spotless clean home, but will also let you avoid pest problems that can bring a host of health risks to your family.
Your home will be guest ready
Having guests at home is great when you are prepared. But when guests come unexpectedly, it can quickly turn into a stressful experience. Whether your far off relatives are visiting to see your children, or some nearby friends decide to drop by to see how your family is doing, you want to make a good impression with how your house looks.
With a regular cleaning appointment, you can rest assured that the house is presentable and free from dust. You will probably still have bibs and toys all over your living space, but this is perfectly normal given that you share the house with kids. The important thing is that you can welcome guests without stressing over any last minute cleaning.

Because you need to stop feeling bad about it
Nowadays, people seem to feel guilty about everything. From taking a day off when you’re not sick, to hiring cleaners for your home. It’s time to recognize that we do things with the intention of making our lives easier, or maybe we just want to be happy in the now. Of course, you should not splurge thousands of dollars on those shoes you’ve been eyeing if you are in debt, but if you truly need something and can afford it, then by all means treat yourself.
So the next time you feel bad about needing help with housework, remember that there is no shame in getting some assistance especially for something that takes too much time to finish. At Pristine Home, we take over the cleaning chores and make sure to work on every nook and cranny in your home to make your abode a sanctuary that is free from illness-causing germs.